martes, 1 de diciembre de 2020

My Pet

My pet's name is cappuccino. He came to my life in 2010 when I lived with my parents. It was always fun to live with him and I played a lot with him. The only bad thing was that he used to get easily angry and reacted violently sometimes, biting me quite hard.

He came to our house because my grandmother gave it to my dad after her dog had a lot of little puppies. My dog was always very gifted but malgenated. That made it very special for me, because I felt I had a special personality she always  liked.

He always enjoyed hearing me play the guitar, and always settled very well and slept peacefully when I practiced in my room. Today I live away from him since I have my own family. But every time I go to my parent's we get very happy to see each other once more. Recently, he was the father of some cute puppies and my parents gave one to my son. The puppy is very special and I would say that his personality is similar to that of my cappuccino dog.

Maybe he doesn't have much left to live anymore, but he's been a part of my family and I think he going
to be missed a great deal whenever he departs from this world.

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